A Conversation with Dominique Wohlschlag

In this dialogue, Reza asks Dominique a particular question about the roles of Śiva and Brahmā in the Mahābhārata. Additionally, he enquires why we refer to Vaiṣṇavites and Śivaites but don’t seem to have a corresponding category of Brahmānites.

Dominique Wohlschlag is a specialist in medieval romance languages and previously taught Latin at the Collège de Genève. With an extensive background in Indian studies, he has offered courses on Sanskrit and Indian Civilization at various Swiss institutions and has worked with the Geneva Ethnography Museum. His scholarly contributions include three translations of Indian poets (Jayadeva, Bhartrihari, Vidyâkara) and numerous interpretative analyses of Hindu scriptures. In addition, Wohlschlag has also written several books on the Hindu tradition with two of them available in the link below for those interested in exploring this rich tradition further.

The Queen and the Avatar

The Great War of the Dark Age: Keys to the Mahābhārata


About Abdu