Revelation and the function of Beauty in Traditional Arts

The beauty sensed coming from an artwork, must in some way awaken the recollection of our originary state of perfection, something which reminds us of the state of harmony, completeness, expansion and goodness. In this sense, the function of traditional art is to awaken the sense of the sacred through the correct form, revealing  the esoterism of its symbols and becoming thus, a powerful means to reveal the consciousness of theophanies.

Be it painting the infinitude of the blue sky, sculpting the meditative semblance of a bodhisattva or representing the rhythm of the ocean in a noble calligraphy, a perfect symbol always reveals a true aspect of Reality, transcending a mere naturalistic expression.  In this way, traditional arts becomes an upaya, a provisional means to efficiently awaken the sense of archetypes…

Let’s watch Sarah revealing some of the prennial meanings of Traditional Art.

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