Bruce Clark

Bruce is an author, journalist and lecturer. He writes, broadcasts and speaks on a wide range of subjects including religion and geopolitics, the history of southeastern Europe and the story of textiles. He is the online religion editor of The Economist, and often contributes to other publications. He serves on the committee of the Maghera Historical Society and he has a strong interest in the local history of his corner of Northern Ireland, especially its linen heritage and its early American connections. He has been an active participant in global debates organised by the Ecumenical Patriarch on the subject of faith and the environment. The early Christian history of Ireland and Scotland is another strong personal interest.

In a series of talks Bruce will take us through a journey into Eastern Orthodoxy and Political Governance where he will show that, contrary to modern stereotypes, Orthodox Christianity is not always overzealous or even cynical in its determination to ‘Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’…